What is the purpose of the photo upload section?
Your photo will be shared with clients, alongside your written profile, to help them get a feel for who you are. This is your opportunity to make a great first impression. It’s best to include good quality photos that don't have filters and are taken in good lighting. Feel free to upload a few photos of yourself in action on-site as well.
Please make sure your photos have a minimum resolution of 150dpi and are in portrait frame. The minimum resolution is 600 x 400 pixels. The maximum file size is 32MB.
How do I know if my photo is the right size?
On a Windows PC: hovering the mouse over an image thumbnail should display the photo’s dimensions in a pop-up window.
On a Mac: find the image, right click on image, click on ‘Get Info’ under ‘General’ you will see the ‘size’ and under ‘More Info’ you will see the ‘Dimensions’ (minimum resolution).
How can I resize my image(s)?
You can use tools such as Adobe image resize, or other applications. Please use Google to find the one that is right for you. Elevate does not offer an image resizing tool and we cannot recommend one. You will need to do some research if this is something you need to do.
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